Business customer
We offer staff medical arrangements focusing on the individual's health in conjunction with a good working environment. We partner with an approved occupational health service and can offer workplace mapping and the like by agreement.
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Companies associated with our staff doctor scheme get
- Annual health examinations for all employees (includes checks of urine, blood tests, blood pressure, working conditions, as well as referrals as needed)
- Access to advice and guidance for occupational vaccination
- Access to our partners and recognized physiotherapy centre
- Member prices for all the services the office offers
- Registration and follow-up of work-related illnesses and injuries
Vaccination of various occupational groups
The employer is responsible for assessing whether there is a risk that the employees may be exposed to infectious agents at work. For some of the diseases, there are vaccines. The employer must ensure that vaccination is offered to employees who need it, and cover the costs of this. We can advise on such vaccination.
Does your company require an occupational health service?
"Do you have any questions regarding company agreements with us?" If you have questions about company agreements with us or would like a non-binding agreement proposal, just contact us at We hope to hear from you! Contact Us
Ansatte hos Legekontoret for sjømenn
Dorthea Furevik
Daglig leder / sykepleier
Gunn-Berit Horge
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Lisa Lund Wågsæther
Sjømanns- og petroleumslege
Nils Fosse
Sjømanns- og petroleumslege
Margaret Grande Farestveit
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Sjømanns- og petroleumslege
Stein-Inge Stigen
Sjømanns- og petroleumslege / bedriftslege
Monica Sundal